Quilting Articles
If you're looking for a How-To quilting article or a review to help you with your next quilting project, we hope these articles will help you. Check back for more quilting articles and let us know if there's something in particular that you'd like to see here. Happy Quilting!
How to Make a Rag Quilt
How to Make a Rag Quilt and Choose the Best Scissors for the Job A rag quilt is a great project if you would like to make an easy quilt that eliminates some of the steps necessary when making a traditional quilt. I love making rag quilts for new babies because they are soft and…
READ MORE 🧵Lori Holt’s Farm Girl Vintage 2
How Many Quilt Block Designs and Sizes Can You Get Into a Single Quilt Book? Let’s talk about Lori Holt and her Farm Girl Vintage 2 book. I don’t often buy quilt books, but when I do, I want to know that I’m getting value for my money. Lori Holt’s Farm Girl Vintage 2 book…
READ MORE 🧵How to Make a T-Shirt Quilt
How is a T-Shirt Quilt Different from a Memory Quilt? What is a T-Shirt Quilt A t-shirt quilt is usually made primarily of you guessed it, t-shirts! Think about the old t-shirts in the back of your closet or the closet of someone in your life. These shirts bring back memories of the times the shirts were…
Hi! I'm Kit
A quilting enthusiast, just like you. In my spare time I like to write about things I'd wished were available to me when I was just starting out or couldn't quite figure something out.
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